Why Multithread Programming Is Bad

15 Feb 2009 15:34

I think, that an idea to make every program multi-thread and multi-processor conscious is wrong.

This may seem radical and stupid at first, but let's think about this.

Not everyone knows, that multi-thread algorithms are:

  • less optimal than corresponding single-thread ones
  • more complicated

Saying less optimal than corresponding single-thread I mean this:

Suppose you have a problem to solve. You have quad-core processor and two algorithms. One loads only one core and runs for 1 minute. The parallel (multi-thread) loads all four cores and runs for 20 seconds.

Is 20 seconds more than 60 seconds? Of course not. But 20 seconds running on for cores is sometimes more like 80 seconds.


Suppose, you run the same algorithm for four different sets of data.

Single-thread version
Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 time in seconds
single-thread algorithm for data set 1 single-thread algorithm for data set 2 single-thread algorithm for data set 3 single-thread algorithm for data set 4 60
Total time in seconds 60
Multi-thread version
Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4 time in seconds
multi-thread algorithm for data set 1 20
multi-thread algorithm for data set 2 20
multi-thread algorithm for data set 3 20
multi-thread algorithm for data set 4 20
Total time in seconds 80


In both situations the programs solved a problem for four sets of data using four processing units. Using single-thread version was faster.

Bottom line

  • implementing multi-thread programs is more complex than single-thread
  • using parallelism adds some overhead to the program performance
  • the best parallel programs are almost as fast as N-times faster than single-thread versions when using N-times more processing power

Having this said I don't think parallel computing should really happen on home computers. However, multi-threading should be used in programs to handle so-called background tasks, improving UI responsibility and separating tasks of different program parts.

Also, having multi-core processor seems OK even when running only single-thread applications, because usually you have more than 1 (usually 2 to 10) running processes, so system utilizes the additional power.

Actually I see a way of utilizing the power of multi-core processors in breaking complicated programs like window managers, display managers, file browsers, web browsers into more processes (or threads) that do different tasks, that are easily separable and thus not adding too much overhead1 and load to system.

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