Creating a space for Virtual Machines host
tags: blog dev farm machine virtual virtualbox wiki
11 Mar 2008 22:43
Look at this:
We want to make some Virtual hosting
I prepare the environment for it.
At first, it'll be the same server like the In order to install VirtualBox i needed to:
yum install SDL.x86_64
yum install qt.x86_64
rpm -ihv VirtualBox-1.5.6_28266_rhel5-1.x86_64.rpm
(got from here:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
I added user vbuser with
- the group vboxusers (added by the RPM installation) — group of users that can run VirtualBox
- home: /vol/disk1/home-vbuser
- /home/vbuser links to /vol/disk1/home-vbuser
I started the VNC session with some gnome-panel and metacity for the user.
To do this again (in order one killed that) do:
To stop:
killall Xvnc (this will probably kill all running virtual machines).
To connect to it just forward 5903 (this is :3 session of VNC) to localhost, in ssh:
ssh -L 5903:localhost:5903
and connect with a VNC client to the localhost:3
this way you don't transfer the plain password via the network. (the plain password goes through the SSH tunnel).
I created some test machine with a UbuntuServer on it (version 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon i386!!) and needed pkgs for (and the source from svn).
- RAM: 750MB
- disk: 20 GB auto-resize, LVM, guided partition scheme
- network: NAT — change to tun interface
This does not work out of the box, we must exchange the kernel like described here:
Rescue the system, go to sheel and then:
mount /boot
apt-get remove linux-server
apt-get install linux-generic
then boot from the disk and press ESC when GRUB boots, select generic.
install OSE version.
Comments: 1
Snapshots Of Filesystems Under Linux
tags: blog dev ext3 filesystem fs linux lvm snapshot
07 Mar 2008 21:47
Today I've learnt about making snapshots of regular filesystems in Linux.
First of all, this is a link to the article I've found and seems to be quite OK:
The idea is simple. We have to:
- Have LVM partition
- Set up some (I believe this is not limited to standard ext3) partitions on it
- Prepare some place for backups (over network or on a separate disk)
- Then at any time, we can just create a snapshot - this does not really consume MUCH resources — but consumes SOME.
- This takes not more than 1 second and creates a device/file/something that is an image of the filesystem in the exact moment of creating the snapshot.
- Having the image (snapshot) we can do anything with it (like with a block device) — mount (and backup the files), create a raw-copy, export to another machine, clone, whatever.
- The author believes one can safely restore a backup without even restarting services.
- Will we need to rely on this? 60 seconds of down-time is acceptable and guaranties that nothing bad happens.